Frequently Asked Questions
How is a water leak diagnosed?
Water leak diagnostics are performed using specialized equipment such as a thermal camera, borescope, pipe crimping device, acoustic detector, and moisture meter. These technologies allow us to accurately identify the leak point without unnecessary damage or expense.
How much does the service cost?
The price depends on the complexity of the problem, but the price for water leak diagnostics starts at 150 GEL,
We offer a 20% discount on the service:
• Persons with disabilities
• Socially vulnerable families
• Emergency doctors and fire department employees3
How long does it take to find the damaged spot?
The procedure usually lasts from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity and location of the problem. In difficult cases, the time may be slightly longer.
How long does it take to clean a sewer?
The process depends on the complexity of the lock, but in most cases it is completed within 1-2 hours.
How do I know if I need sewer cleaning?
Slow water flow, unpleasant odors, or complete blockage of the system are the main signs.
Do you offer preventive services?
Yes, we offer a regular system maintenance plan to prevent serious problems.
How long does it take to install the system?
Installation is usually completed in 2-4 hours, although the time depends on the complexity of the system and the size of the facility.
How do I know if my system is problematic?
თუ სისტემა არათანაბრად ათბობს ან აგრილებს სივრცეს, აქვს უცნაური ხმები ან სუნი, საჭიროა ტექნიკური მომსახურება.
What type of equipment do you use?
ჩვენ ვიყენებთ თანამედროვე და სანდო ბრენდებს, რომლებიც უზრუნველყოფენ სამუშაოს მაღალი ხარისხით შესრულებას.
How long does plumbing work take?
The time depends on the complexity of the job. Small problems (e.g., repairing a faucet) can be solved in 1-2 hours, while larger projects (e.g., installing a plumbing system) can take several days.
What guarantee do we give to users?
Our team is responsible for each job, which will be performed with quality and professionalism.
Do you offer a diagnostic service?
Yes, our service includes full system diagnostics and troubleshooting.
How long does it take to perform electrical work?
პროცესი დამოკიდებულია სამუშაოს ტიპსა და ობიექტის სირთულეზე. უმეტეს შემთხვევებში, სამუშაო 1-2 საათში სრულდება. თუ სრულ გაყვანილობას თან გვაქვს საქმე აქ სამუშაოს მოცულობას გაჩნია სტანდარტულად 2-3 დღე.
What is your work schedule like?
Our service operates every day, during business hours. In case of emergencies, an electrician can be called upon request.
What should I do until the electrician arrives?
If you notice a problem, for safety's sake:
• Turn off the power at the main panel.
• Do not touch a damaged socket or device.
• Do not attempt to repair or check the electrical system yourself.1
How long does it take to install the system?
Installation is usually completed in 2-4 hours, although the time depends on the complexity of the system and the size of the facility.
How do I know if my system is problematic?
If the system heats or cools the space unevenly, has strange sounds or smells, maintenance is required.
What type of equipment do you use?
We use modern and reliable brands that ensure high-quality work.